108. Letters (International).- (1) Letter, which may contain a communication enclosed in an envelope and addressed with a weight limit up to 2 kgs, may be transmitted to or from addressees or senders in foreign countries or territories.
- Letters shall conform to the following maximum and minimum dimensions, namely:-
- maximum dimensions: length, width and depth combined: 900 mm, but the greatest dimension may not exceed 600 mm, with a tolerance of 2 mm; in roll form: length plus twice the diameter: 1,040 mm, but the greatest dimension may not exceed 900 mm, with a tolerance of 2 mm;
- minimum dimensions: surface measuring not less than 90 x 140 mm, with a tolerance of 2 mm; in roll form: length plus twice the diameter: 170 mm: but the greatest dimension may not be less than 100 mm.
- The rates of postage chargeable on letters (International) are mentioned in Table I of Schedule III.
109. Aerogramme.- (1) Aerogramme which is a priority item consisting of a sheet of paper suitably folded and gummed on all sides, shall be transmitted exclusively by air to or from addressees or senders in foreign countries or territories.
- Aerogramme shall be sold by the post offices specified by the Circle Head: Provided that privately manufactured aerogramme shall not be transmitted by post.
- Aerogramme shall conform to the following maximum and minimum dimensions, namely:-
- the maximum size of an aerogramme shall not exceed 110 X 220 mm when folded and, in that form, its length shall be equal to or greater than its width multiplied by √2 (Approximate value: 1.4);
- the minimum size permissible for folded aerogrammes shall be same as for letters, i.e. 90 X 140 mm.
- The rates of postage chargeable on aerogramme shall be mentioned in Table V of Schedule III.
110. Post card (International).- (1) Postcard is an open communication transmitted by surface, on a sheet of paper with maximum dimensions of 120 x 235 mm, with a tolerance of 2 mm, provided they are sufficiently stiff to withstand processing without difficulties; and with minimum dimensions of 90 x 140 mm, with a tolerance of 2 mm.
- Postcards, either issued by the Post Offices or manufactured privately shall be accepted for transmission to foreign countries or territory:
Provided that privately manufactured postcards shall be rectangular and be made of material and dimensions similar to those used for the postcards issued by the Post Office.
- The rates of postage chargeable on postcard (International) shall be mentioned in Table I of Schedule III.
111. Airmail postcard.- (1) Airmail postcard is a postcard which is transmitted by air.
- The provisions of postcard as mentioned in sub-regulation (1) and (2) of regulation 110 shall be applicable to airmail postcard.
- The rates of postage chargeable on airmail postcard shall be mentioned in Table V of Schedule III.
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